Upgrade Your Pharmacy:
1-Minute AI Diagnostic Screening
AEYE Health’s FDA-cleared AI autonomously detects diabetic retinopathy in just one minute, delivering instant results. This facilitates quick and easy screening in any pharmacy, making early detection accessible and convenient for patients, cost-effective for insurers, and expanding both services and revenue streams for pharmacies.
Advantages of AEYE-DS
1-minute Screening
Requires only one image per eye; rarely requires dilation; producing instant diagnosis

Practical to operate
Can be operated with a portable handheld camera and a robotic tabletop camera
Benefits of Point-of-care Screening
Dedicated CPT code 92229 for AI diabetic retinopathy screening

Boost patient trust and revenue
Provide cutting-edge screenings, replacing costly specialist visits and wait times while adding a valuable new service
Find out how you can add AI Screening at your pharmacy